The development company Trigema is going to build in Prague the tallest building in the Czech Republic. The project is called Top Tower, its height will be 135 meters, and the construction costs will be about 2 billion of CZK. The new skyscraper will appear at the area of Nové Butovice, its construction should begin in 2021 and continue for 3 years.
Today the tallest building in the Czech Republic is AZ Tower in Brno. Its height is 111 meters.It locates in the Štýřicedistrict and has 30 aboveground and 2 underground floors.The tallest residential complex in the Czech Republic is V Tower in Prague.It locates in the Pankrac area and its height is 109 meters. It is likely that the new project will break the records of these two famous buildings and soon it will be possible to enjoy the panorama of the city from its observation deck.